Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

FAFOLIE - The New Fashion Social Community

What is Fafolie?
Fashion has always been about the It bag, the It shoes, and the hot trends of the season; but now, it has evolved to be about expressing your individuality. The fashion world is no longer serving up trends en masse. Instead, designers are playing to their personal strengths and producing some of the most diverse, memorable, and unique fashion we’ve seen in years. From exotic plumage to molded rubber, nude hues and acid brights, get ready to indulge in a new fashion era where trends are obsolete and original style rules! Whatever you choose, be bold! Be risqué! And most of all, be yourself!

Fafolie adalah Social Networking Website yang dikhususkan untuk Fashion. Di sini, Fashion people bisa memamerkan apa yang kalian pakai sehari2. Tunjukan kalau kalian adalah orang2 yang stylist dan fashionable; dan dapatkan input dari sesama fashion addicts. Semakin banyak kalian memasang foto2, semakin dikenal gaya kalian dan semakin besar peluang untuk memenangkan hadiah2 menarik persembahan Fafolie. Sumber : fafolie.com

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By : ChuMu